Online Learning

You can train from anywhere in the country to begin an exciting new career! Cuyahoga Community College offers a fully online accredited Associate of Applied Business degree and/or certificates in Captioning and Court Reporting.
How Does it Work?
Students who have Internet access may attend these online courses, obtaining the education and skills required for employment and national certification in this exciting and lucrative field. Each semester, enrolled students simply register their courses and log into the course site on the date it begins. There they are greeted with an announcement page and links to weekly folders full of robust instruction. Learners participate regularly in discussion board forums and have regular interaction and feedback from their instructors. Group chats are scheduled along with events featuring guest speakers such as professional judicial and freelance reporters, CART providers, and captioners.
Our Faculty:
The faculty all have experience in the captioning and court reporting profession, as well as specific training in Blackboard, the platform for the online program. All of our faculty have additional higher education degrees. Dr. Jen Krueger, one of our full-time faculty members, has completed her Ph.D. in Instructional Design for Online Learning. Kolleen Barnes, another of our full-time faculty members, has completed her M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction: Technology. These qualities and experience serve our student body well as the learner's needs and goals are foremost in our structure.
Are You Ready to Take an Online Class?
You may be a savvy smart-phone, tablet, or social media user, but are you equipped with the skills necessary to be a successful online student? As a student at Cuyahoga Community College, you have the opportunity to complete My Online Readiness Experience (M.O.R.E.), a series of interactive multimedia tutorials and resources designed to address the real challenges new and experienced online students will encounter. It prepares you to succeed in the classroom in Tri-C's online learning environment. My Online Readiness Experience helps you determine how well you use study skills, navigate technology, and practice academic communication skills. It is available through Blackboard Learn to students once accepted to the College. The skills covered are key to your success! You can find more information here:
Cuyahoga Community College is a member of Quality Matters (QM). QM is a not-for-profit organization which provides tools and training for quality assurance of online courses. Courses in CCR are designed and taught with quality in mind and many courses in the program are designated with the QM recognized seal.